Report issued according to the art. 13 and 14 of the EU Regulation 2016/679

Dear Client / Supplier,
with observance of the provisions on the protection of processing of personal data (EU Regulation) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 (hereby indicated as Regulation) we intend to supply the due information for the purposes and in the ways of common and particular data processing that you must provide for the correct management of our contractual relationship. We inform you that the use of your personal data will be based on principles of correctness, lawfulness and transparency, protecting your confidentiality and your rights.

We inform you that for the establishment and enforcement of the current contractual relationship, our company is in possession of your common data obtained also verbally, directly or through third parties, qualified as personal by the Regulation.

Pursuant to the Regulation, the following personal, vital and identification data are considered common, for example: name, surname, date of birth, residence, domicile, social security number, bank coordinates, hiring company.

We are not in possession of any of your data quantifiable as particular (art. 9 of the Regulation) or judiciary (art. 10 of the Regulation).

1. Details on the Personal Data processing

The Personal Data are collected using the following services:

Contact form (this Application)

The user, by filling their data in the contact form, consents to their use to respond to the information, quotation or any other request whatsoever indicated in the header of the form.

Personal data collected: name, surname, address, telephone, e-mail.

The services contained in the present section allow the holder of the Processing to monitor and analyse the traffic data and allow to keep track of the User behaviour.

Google Analytics (Google Inc.)

Google Analytics is a web analysis service supplied by Google Inc. (“Google”). Google uses the Personal Data collected with the purpose of tracking and examining the use of this Application, makes reports and shares them with other services developed by Google. Google can use the Personal Data for the contextualization and customization of their own advertising network.

Personal data collected: Cookies and Use data.

2. Processing purposes.

Common personal data granted by you will be processed by Carbon Fiber Heating s.r.l. as Processing Holder:

a) for the purposes of management of the existing contract and in relation of the subsequent fulfilment of the legal and fiscal obligations.

The personal data processing consent for the purposes of the above-mentioned point 1 letter a) is implicit and mandatory and the lack, incompleteness or inexactness of the granting of the data discussed can lead to the impossibility to observe the contract report;

b) for communications (via e-mail, regular mail and/or text messages and/or telephone contacts etc.) for different purposes from the ones at point a).

The consent to the processing for the purposes of the present point 1 letter b) will be expressed specifically and in a preliminary way for said treatment.

3. Processing method

The data processing takes place through the use of tools and procedures adequate to guarantee the safety and confidentiality and can be performed both through paper support or through the use of computer and online means in order to reduce to the minimum the risk of damage or loss, non-allowed access, unauthorized modification and broadcast.

The data will be processed for the entire duration of the contractual relationship and even subsequently for the fulfilment of the legal obligations and the administrative and commercial purposes.

The data will not be broadcast by us, meaning that we will not make them available to undetermined subjects in any way, also though their disposition or consultation.

The data can be communicated by us, meaning that we can notify them to one or more particular subjects, in the following terms:

  • to such subjects that can access data under the provisions of the law, regulation or community norms, in the limits foreseen by said norms;
  • to such subjects that have the necessity to access your data for the purposes auxiliary to the relationship between you and us, in the strictly necessary limits to carry out auxiliary tasks (credit institution, credit retrieval companies, carriers are quoted as indicatives etc.)
  • to subjects that are our consultants, in the necessary limits to carry out their task in our company against our letter of appointment that forces the obligation or confidentiality and safety.
4. Rights of the data subject

The Regulation acknowledges the following rights as per Art. 15 and particularly:

  1. of access: the possibility to obtain the confirmation of the existence or not of the personal data, even if not registered yet and to verify the exactness, to know the purposes of the treatment, the origins of the personal data, the recipients to whom the data can or have been communicated.
  2. . to obtain the correction, completions, cancellation of the personal data or limit their treatment;
  3. to oppose totally or partially for reasons related to the data treatment;
  4. the data transfer;
  5. . to revoke the consent expressed in reference to the purposes at the previous point 1 letter b);
  6. . to propose, resorting to the prerequisites, the filing of a claim to the guarantor for the Personal Data Protection.

The data subject can assert their own right to the Holder:

  1. by sending a registered letter with delivery confirmation to
    Carbon Fiber Heating s.r.l.
    str. Borș, 417075, Parc Industrial Borș, Nr. 1C, jud. Bihor,
    Romania Tel: +39 0423 858589 Telefax: +40 0359 800894
  2. by sending an e-mail to
5. Processing holder

The processing holder is Carbon Fiber Heating S.r.l., whose details are mentioned in the footer of the present document.

6. National Supervisory Authority for the processing of personal data
Guarantor for the personal data protection (Privacy Guarantor)

BD. G-ral Gheorghe Magheru n. 28-30, Sector1,
Fax: (+39) 06.69677.3785
telephone: (+40) 318 059 211